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The CAMI challenge also gave us the opportunity to evaluate the performance of CAT on a large scale metagenomic data set. It is difficult to examine the performance of CAT on a large scale metagenome because there are only very few publicly available datasets, and the microbial composition in those very few datasets is highly variable. In our case, we obtained PRJEB7390 from ENA as a representative of a metagenome sequenced using the Illumina MiSeq platform. We downloaded the raw reads from SRA and assembled these reads into contigs using the scrappiness assembler37. We then mapped the contigs against the OMD using the hmmer2 38 aligner and the contigs with E &>0 were compared to the OMD using query and database with E &>0. For this analysis, we used the Blatvac aligner and the following query and database formats: MSF (v. 1.2) , MSF (v. 2.0) ,
All metagenomic sequence data are available at EBI-SRA under the study PRJEB23187. Genome data for isolated strains are available at NCBI under the accession numbers included in Supplementary Tables 3 and 7.
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