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The Weather Channel app, its service providers and its ad and analytics partners may collect information, and share it with third parties, according to its privacy policy. You can request access to or delete your usage data. If you give the app permission to collect location information while apps are running in the background, it will do so. You can turn off direct location collection through your device settings.
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Sayori, the youthful bundle of sunshine who values happiness the most;Natsuki, the deceivingly cute girl who packs an assertive punch;Yuri, the timid and mysterious one who finds comfort in the world of books;...And, of course, Monika, the leader of the club! That's me!
f,/ A/&iA WLEKLY FAMILY \\ EJTSPA PERIndependent of Party Politics or Religious Sects.Devoted to News, Literature, Morality, Agriculture, the Arts,&6MORGANTOWN, (Fa.) SATURDAY, APKIL 7,1855. { Volume VI.Whole No. 294S. SIEGFRIED, Editon and Proprietor,8. SIEG-FIUBD, Jan., Assistant Editor,THE MONONGALIA MIRRORftjSSSS5SSSI'OArmilCASIIINADV/NCt:;82 OOArTKlt Sli months 1MCKMPIHEO,*rretriffPB^^Cr '-\"i\" b* '\"\"conUnuod until n!'htZ'iZciy at \"io ^i'on\"kr\"'r'\" P-rio,tbrjis of advertising :'or 1 quaro, 3 u-ook*, . . ,oacii insertion, . n'oi'rone square, 3 months, - . an,f '-nth.,' . . ii;o- 1 yoar, . . .2 00il-HI j\" c0'\"mn, minion type, ,1 year, 40.00^\"Annoiincinit Candidates, oac'lt name, 3.00_ Htcms or jictos, &C.It is flair! tliat Urn Qtt^s in ourcountry uto tapirlly g,.if,g through theprocess of absorption by other denominations.,,rT.\"E Mormmiitea are very active inWales in spreading their doctrines.A mong the colliers and miners of theflill districts of South Wales, the Hecu*jiur tenets of this sect find favor, and alarge number of theso have receullvjoined the tanks.By the late act of Congress, theSi.ary of tiie Chief Justice of the Sapreme Court of the United States hasbeen raised to Sfi,500 per annum, andIne salaries of the associate justices to5b,000 per annum.The new dome of the Capitolfor which $100,000 were appropriated,will increase the present aliitude of thatedifice to 260 feetor only fifteen feetb-ss than that of the spiro of TrinitvChurch, New York.Three men were smothered to deathin a flouring mill, in Seymour, WestCanada, a few days ago. They woreat ivork on a lower floor, whon the floorabove gave way, leiiing down about3,000 bushels of grain. A horrid deathindeed.A destituto family in Hsgorstown,Md. to whom an order wus given, lustweofc, upon a store fir the ttecossati.-sjf life, by u relief committee oI thattown, headed its list of wants ivitli threepintt of whukcy.^ Religion in San Francisco.In thoban Francisco Evening News we findnotices for religious services on theSabbath,at seventeen different places ofworship. This looks well for ihe futuremorality of the commercial metropolisof tho Golden State.A valuable slave of Mr. Henry Me'.Cauley, ran away to Pennsylvania, sometwo months ago, and no elfort was madefor his recovory. A few days ago however, lie voluntarily returned home, having become satisfied that freedom inPennsylvania is not what it is said tube.Mr. Thomas Rickey, a member ofthe Methodist Episcopal Church inlone Valley, ('a!, has giveti ten acres ofground on which to etebt a first-classseminary for the people of that region;and Rev. Messrs. Nimsand Fish, as acommittee, aro collet-tint; funds withwhich to erect lite buildings;Tho salaries paid in Baptist pastorsin Massachusetts,are said to averiignS33among 20 payors in UerkshitPj about$300, io ilmnpdon, $050 in Essex; andin Plymouth S500. In othor countiesno average is stated) individual casescitcd show incomes i aiigiiig from 81.500to S3000.A Business MawA commercialgentleman recently arrived at NiogaiaFalls just befoio midnight. He immediately bought a globe lantoin, andcrossed to Gwat Island, examined thecataract, and in thirty-seven minuteshad finished u> the great Americanwonder, and was once more on his wayto Albany.Tiie Legislative Assembly of Utah,met at Salt Lake City on the lltli ofDecember. Gov. Young in bis message delivered at the opening of the.session, call* on the people to \"improvethe present time of peace and prosperity to complete their defences, as theyknow not what hour their enjoyment ufquiet may bo broken.\"Clot, Poi.t.ock of Pa. lias appointedHou.Tiio.mas S. Bei.l, of Chester County, (formerly a Judge on the SupremoBench) to be President Judge of theSSd district, composed .of tho countiesof Monroe, Pike, Wayne, and Carbon.This appointment is to fill tho vacancyoccasioned by tho resignation of JamesM. Poller.The appointment of Judge Bisi.ii inJiis room, is in accot'dence with the u*nanimous request of the bar of' the disdiet. lie bus always been a Democrathitherto.A Old Sermon. Rev. Dr. CookofLvnu., gave his people, us un alter*noon discourse, on Sunday, Jan. 21, aerrrion which was preached on the sameday of tho same month in J655justtfUO years befoiobefore the same society, by Rev. Thomas Cobbett, whowas then its pastor. The Lynn Newshay*: **It is supposed that but few reeognized the sermon, from having heardit when it was fii^t delivered.*'i How lo till! Bounty Lands,Letter from tt Commissioner of Pensions.Pension \"met, Maich 5,1855.Tim netto certnin acertain officibeen enijagithe Unitedit'll \" An act in additionM anting bounty land tojtnd soldiers who hovei the military seivice ofHies,\" approved March3, 1855, entitl each ol the nurvivingpersons in tlie flowing classes to a certificate or warut for such quantity ofland as ahallvpte, in the whole, withlie heretofore received,i sixty acres, providedlived a period of not(lays, and shall estabrecord evidence, to2. Commissisinned officers,men, marines, (the navy of saidwhat he raaone hiindrhe shall havi. less than foulish said servwit1. Commisaioed and non commissioned officers; (iisicians and privates,whether of the regulars, volunteers,rangers or minti,who were regulralymustered into tlxservice of tho UnitedSlates in any of te wars in which thecountry has bean ngagod since 1790.and non commisaamen, ordinary seas and landsmen inra.3. Militia, vdluieers and state troopsof any state or Wtitory called into military service, and regularly musteredtherein, and whos services have beenpaid by the Unite States.4. Wagonmastet and teamsters whohave been emptoyJ, under the direction of competent athority, in time ofwar, in the trajHiriation of militarystores and soppliea.5. Officers aniSidiers of the revolutionary war.0. Chaplains whcRorved with the army in the severalmis of this country.7. Flotilla-tnentwo served in the warof 1812.Each of tlx suirv-ing persons in thofiillnwiiig classes ar entitled to a likecwtifnmte for a likiquantity of land,without regard to til length of service,provided he was reglnrly mustered into service, and shiffiestabliah tbe sameby record evidenc wit:1. Officers audKiildiera who havebeen actually engage in any battle inViich this countryr who served atorg, in SeptemI the same extent, as if said lndiain had been whitemen.Where the service his been rendered by a substitute, he if the person entitled to the benefit ollihis act, and nothis employer.In the event of tho diatli of any pel1loii who, if living, wobd be entitled to1 certificate or warrait as aforesaid,leaving a widow, or, if no widow, suchminor child or childrer, is entitled to acertificate or wnrrtliit fur the same quantity of land such deceased person wouldlie entitled to receive aniler tho provision) of said act, if miv living.A subsequent marriage will hot imfikir the right of an,' such widow toiucli warrant, if she -be a widow tit thelime uf her application. Persons within the age of twenty-one years on the3d day of March, 18f5, are deemed minors Within tbe intent and moaning ofsaid act.To obtain the benefits of this act theclaimant must maku a declaration, uulor oath, substantially according to thofarms hereto annexed. Tho signatureif tho applicant must bo attested, andlis or her personal identity establishedjy the affidavits of two witnesses, whosoesidencea must ho given, and whosejrodibility must bo sustained by the cerilicato of tho magistrate before whomlie application is verified.No certificate will ba deemed suftj.dent iu any cane, unless the facts nrnjellified to be within the personal kimwljdije of the magistrate or other officerwho shall sign the certificate, or thelames and places of residences of tbewitnesses by w hom tho facts aie estabislied be given, or their affidavits, prop,rly authenticated, lie appended lo tberertilicate.The ciuirnl character and signature>f the magistrate who may administerbe oath must be certified by the clprkif the proper court of record of hismuntry, under tho seal of the courtWhenever the certificate of the officervim authenticates tho signature of thenugislrafo is not written on the samoihnet of paper which contains Uie sig.nitiire to he authenticated, the certiKlate must be attached to said paper bya piece nf tape or ribbon. the ends ofwhich must paH \"tuler the \"flicial seal,90 as to prevent any paper I mm beingimproperly attached to.ho certificate.Applications in behalf of minorsshould ho made in their names by thenguardians or next friend. Where thereare several minors entitled to the flamecrutuity. one may muke the declinationThe warrant will be issued to all jointly. In addition to proof of service, asin other cases, the minor most provethe death of his father, and that no widow survives him, and that he and thosehe represents are the only minor children of the deceased.If a party die before tho issue of awarrant to which he would be entitledif living, tho right to said warrant dieswith him. In such case, iho warrantbecomes void, and should bo cancelledand the party next entitled in right olBervice claimed should make an application; and if there be no such partythe grant lapses under tho limitation ofiho beneficiaries to tho bounty. II theclaimant dieafierthe issue of the warrant, the title thereto rests in his heirs, iApplication made by Indians must beauthenticated according to the regulations to be1 prescribed by the commissioner of Indian Aflairs.L. I\\ WALDO,Commissioner of Pensions.PRACTICALVERY.From Binghamton (N. Y.J Standard, March 7.Canting a \"D'vil\" out of a church.A Methodist Minister Arrested for Asfaulting it distiller. We are indebtedto our friend .I. M. Eells, of Marietta,Ohio, for tho following graphic sketch.We are assured that the facts transpiredsubstantially as narrated:Mothodist clergyman who hasbeen laboring in this vicinity, was, notlong since, preaching to Ins people ontho miraculous power of the Aposllesover the demoniac spirits of their dn>.As ho was pursuing bis theme, the aujiHicu were suddenly smriled by a voicefrom some one in the congrogaitmn de;manding.ina half-tUerilous,half authori,alive tone \"Why don't preachers dosuch things now-a-days!'' In an installeverv eye in the house was turned uponthe individual who had ejfioiitery thusto invade the sacredncss ot their sanctuary.\"The speaker paused for a moment,and fixed his penetrating gaze full uponthe face of the questioner, lhere wasa,, interval of intense silence, broken at0St by the speaker... resuming his subiect. He had not proceeded far Willihis remarks, before he was again interrupted by tho same impertinent inqtiu y.A Tain lie paused for a time, and againresumed his subject. Not content witha silent rebuke, our /cdouhtahle q.'esdoner demanded again, 'Why don thopreachers do such things \"-.a-dayslnod coiling his lips with a sneer of selfcomplacency, drew himself up pompously in his seat.Our reverend friend,(who,by I e * a young man of great muscular power)canily left iho desk, and walked deliberately to the p'w where thetor sat, and fastening one hand fiimlyupon the collar f his coat, the other on\"lie waistband of his \"unmentionable,lifted him sqnre out uf the seat and bohim down the aisle to tho entrauce.Pausiug for a momonl there, he tinnedhis eve upon his audience, and ... iclear, full voico, said, \"and they cast outhe devil io the form ol u distiller, anauit'ng iho action to the word, out wentthe'knight of tho mashtub, a la leapfrog fashion, into the street.'The good pastor quietly returned to bis desk, and completed Ins discouisc.After' closing the services as he was ,ut of the church, the out-castfor molesting the services of the sandHgK&6RB&Conference.Mztraordinnnj Intposlurc.A lady residingin Brooklyn, New York, was recently appliedto for cliarity by,a woman vvjio told the dinmill story tlwt her husband was dead, andfile had not ihe mtan\" 10 bury him. The lady, lo make sure ilia', tile was not imposedupon, virtitcil the apartment of the widow,and there saw llin coffin of the poor deceased husbaud, awl I ho widow disconsolatelywringing her luliiib. The visitor, uol wishing to harrow Ilia feelings of the bereavedI woman, asked no questions, but leaving n considerable sum of money, immediately tieparted. Afior passipg two or three blocksshe found that she had lost her handkerchiefmid retracing her steps, she entered the roomwithout ceremony, ami ihero she aaw ihepour dead husband silling up ill his colbn.and counting I he money she had just left topiyllte foncnl etptnstslPOETICAL.From tin Little Pilgrim.THE BAREFOOT BOY.DV JOHN 0. WIUTTIEB.Blessings on tlice, littlo mail,Barefoot boy, with clicek of tan!With thy turned-up pantaloons,And thy merry whistled tunesWith thy red lip, redder still.Kissed by strawberries on the hillWith the sunshine on thy face,Through thy lorn brim's jaunty grace ;From my heart I givo thee joy,I was onco a barefoot boy!Prince thou arttiie grown up manOnly is republican,Let the million dollared rideBarefoot, trudging at his side,Thou hast more than he can buy,In tho reach of ear and eyeOutward sunshine, inward joy :Blessings on thee, barefoot boy!Oh f for boyhood's painlea play,Sleep that wakes in laughing day,Health that mocks the doctor'* rules,Knowledge, never learned of schools,Of tho wild bee's morning chase,Of tho wild flower's time and placc,Flight of fowl, and habitudeOf the tenants of the wood,How the tortoise bears his shell,How the wood chuck digs his cell,And the ground-inolo sinks his well:flow the robin feeds her youiffc,How tho oriole's nosl is hung:Where the whitest lilies blow,Where the freshest berries grow,Where the ground-nut trails its vine,Where tho wood-grapes clusters shine ;Of the black wasp's cunning way,Mason of his walls of elay,And tho architectural plansOf grey hornet artisans !For, eschewing books and tasks,Nature answers all he asks,Hand in hand with her he walks,Fucc to fuco vC'itli her he talks,Part and parcel of her joyBlessings on tho barefoot boy!Oh ! for boyhood's time ef June,Crowding years in one brief moon,When ail things I heard or saw,Me, their master, waited for.I was ricTi in (lowers and trees,Humming birds and honey bees;For my sport the squirrel played,Plied tho snouted mole his spade;For my taste tho blackborry eonc,Purpled over hedge and stone;Laughed tho brook for my delightThrough tho day, and through the night,Whimpering at the garden wall,Tallied with me from fall to fall;Mine tho sand-rimmed pickerel pond,Mine tho walnut slopes beyond,Mine on bchding orchard treesApples of Hesperides!Still as my horizon(grew,Larger grew my riches tooAll the world 1 saw or knewSeemed a complex Chinese 107Fashioned tor a barefoot boy!Oh! for festal dainties spread.Like iny bowl of milk and bread,Pewter spoon and bowl of wood,On the door-stono grey and rude!O'er me, like a regal tent,Cloudy-ribbed tho su net bent,Purple-curtained, fringsd with gold;Looped in many a wide swung fold;While for music carno tho pluyOftho pied frog's orchestra;And to liglit the noisy choir,Lit tho fly his lamp of fire.1 was monarch; pomp and joyWaited on the barofoot boy !fchcerilj, then, my littlo man,Live and laugh, as boyhood can;Though tho tlinty slopes be hard,Stubble-spcarcd tho now-mown sward;Every morn shall lead thso throughfresh baptisms of tho dow {Every evening from thy feetShall tho cool wind kiss the heat;All too soon those feet must hideIn the prison cells of pride,Lose tho freedom of the sod,Like a colt's for work bo shod,Made to tread the mills of tollUp and down in coascless moilHappy if their traok be foundNever on forbidden groundHappy if they sink not inQuick and treacherous sands of sin.Ah! that thou couldst know thy joyEro it passes, barefoot boy !Painting Debtors.A few days agot Chinaman in San Francisco, was observed with ono sido of his faoo paint-1id sky blue, presenting a most ludicrous and grotesque appearand) ill con- !;rast with tho dry yellow of the othermloi A gontloinan passing) stoppedlim and asked him tho reason of hisminting himself so singularly; TheChinaman, in broken English; told himt had boon dono by a creditor whombo was unable to pay; Whon askedwhy he did not wash it off, ho ropliod,ilso long no payoo money, so long nowashed off,\" and ptvssod on apparentlyresigned to tho punishment tho customsof his country imposed upon him.THOMAS PAINE.Wo clip the following from the Baltimore 1'a.tviot, which may be relied upon as a correct description of the manwho was proved in a trial at Vaux Ilallto have suffered at least one hundredand fifty severe fits of apoplexy,always attracted from a brandy bottle.Paine was the owner of several piecesof land at one period of his lifo, tndwhen lie uttorly refused to pay for hisboard he was sued. On the trial it waswas shown that ho kept ill-famed women around him, and was the continuedsubject of ('apoplectic') intoxicating fits:Making himself a great burden uponany family in which he lived. We areglad that Mr. Thornburnhas furnishedthe public with the following facts.In a recent article on the celebrationof Tom Paino's Birth-day, we alluded toGrant Thorburn as a living witness ofhis dissoluto and disgusting habits; thelast Now York Observer contains a letter from Mr. Thornburn, written oil his83d birthday, Feb. 18th, and dated atWinstead, Conn., where he expects topass his remaining days. This lettciis devoted chiefly to reminiscences^ ofTom Paino. e mako the followingextracts, which we liopo will be read atthe next and every subsequent anniversary of tlio infidel debauch.\"As*there is but a step between moand death, I owo it to generations yetto come, to tell what I saw and heardof Tom' Paine. Porhaps there livesnot a man on earth, who traced himfrom his cradle to his grave, cxccpt myself. Carver and I were fellow laborers in tlio same shop. Paine and Carver were born in the same town inEngland. Paine and I boarded withCarver. I often heard Carver, hiswife, and Paine, as wo four sat by thefire in a winter's night, rehearse theitems of his life. I think lie was theworst member of tlio body politic Levermot in all my journey through life.He married a respectable lady who dieueleven month thereafter, in conscqenco of brutal treatment, no thenmarried a daughter of the Collector ofthe Port of Lewis; after three yearsshe obtained a divorce fer like treatment. . 1In 1773, while he held an office mthe Custom House, (given him by hisfather-in-law) ho was detected in takingbribes from the smugglers, and fled toAmerica. Ho was made Secretary tothe private Committee of Congress,'andtook an oath of office-to keep their so-1crets. He broko this1 oath by divulging the project of a sccret mission tothe Court of Franco by Silas Dean.He was dismissed with disgrace. (Seethe Journal of Congress in 1774 or 'i>.This treachory was the causo of muchtroublo in Congress, and in the Courtof Louis XVI.We next find him in Pari3, helpingRobespierre in his labors of lovo to establish the freedom of the press, andthe right of speech, by means of tlioguillotine. He quarreled With Robbie,and was chalked l'dr guillotine., God,willing to mako tho wrath of Paine topraise\"Him, sent an angel who delivered him out of prison. (For particularsof this miracle, see the Lifo of Thornburn, 101st page):In 1801, when Thomas Jefferson waselected President, lie instantly dispatched a national frigate to convey to ourshores the venerated Thomas raino:lie arrived early ill the year 1802. Ispoke with him at tho City Hotel, Bdwory, a few hours after his arrival. Hofound letters urging him on to Washington; (then a four day's jourrtey).lie started itext morning. At Georgetown a hicSSenger was seiit forward toannounce his approach; a feast v asgot ready, and all those of like thinking wore invited, . Paino entered lato,his shirt unwashed, his board unshorn,and reeling liko-a drunken man:. Alook of consternation shone forth fromevery fitco; mirth ceased; ono byonothey went Out, leitving Pairio lilono onhis chair fast asleep: Next day he received letters and instructions to return,to Now York. , rWhen Aardii Burr returned fromEurope, whither ho had fled after hisduel with Hamilton, lie kept his ofliec inNassau street; near my seed-store.From him I received the account abovostated. ' .iii-'Paine, oh his return, was unablo tofind lodgings. Carver took him in forold acquaintance sake. Ho diod atGrccnwieb; of delirium tremens, in1809.\"Penitoltiary Facts.The followingsignificant faots arc stated iri contiocjtion with the Michigan Stato Penitenttiary: Tliero arc 228 inmates, ami op!theso ono-iourtli aro under 21 years 153554b96e
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