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In March 2017, it became known that the Denuvo 3 VMProtect anti-tamper technology is based on a key eviction mechanism, meaning that the software would automatically delete the key from the protected game file in case it is not used for a certain period of time.
One of the first games cracked by 3DM was FIFA 18, on September 2, 2017 3DM claimed they managed to crack EA Sports' FIFA 18. Shortly after the initial news broke, on September 3, 2017, Denuvo started to re-activate dormant end user activations for the game and after being re-launched the game, it is no longer patched to Denuvo. On September 4, 2017 Denuvo sent an email to Crytek with a warning that third-party publisher CD Projekt Red has appended or is currently in the process of attaching Denuvo to their game The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. On September 4, 2017, the Denuvo solution has been patched in CD Projekt Red's The Witcher 3 and the game does now require validation. On September 5, 2017 the Denuvo solution has been patched in Ubisoft’s Watch Dogs 2 and the game does now require validation.
In November 2017, it became public that the Denuvo anti-tamper technology was successfully bypassed on the PC version of EA's FIFA 18. A Denuvo bypass is a program which allows the user to gain access to the protected file and copy it's content, giving the user the ability to bypass Denuvo and open their game. The exploit was developed and pushed to the public by 3DM group, it is now available for free for everyone. Soon after the EA's FIFA 18 Denuvo critical vulnerability was posted online, EA proceeded to send out an email stating that Denuvo is patched on all platforms. The exploit was patched by EA on all platforms some time ago.
TruSeq Exome Enrichment data analysis can start with an index-ready FASTQ file containing reads in FASTQ format, or a pair of FASTQ files with paired-end reads < 150 bp. For all analysis options, optional input files are listed and can be supplied at the stage; if an optional file is used, the corresponding output file should be configured in the Analysis Options then the analysis is started. The output FASTQ file is always SRA formatted . The FASTQ format used in TruSeq Exome Enrichment is a part of Illumina’s Digital Sequence Data Format (Figure 1) and is a pure FASTQ format. It was documented by Vieira et al. in a 2014 NIGMS publication, 12. d2c66b5586