Rainbow School Janakpuri Holiday Homework
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The school staff, Principal,Vice Principal,Teachers, and the Management were overwhelmed with their kids' response. They expressed their gratitude to the school community for appreciating their work. I was so happy for them. Let's go and enjoy the rest of the holidays with our kids.
The exhibition closed with a dance performance by Grade-VII children and marks their first stepping to another level. The parents were really amazed to see their children display such a talent and creative endeavour which even the likes of professionals could not offer. The school community was happy. Children were delighted to participate in the exhibition. It was sheer joy and a moment of pride. Parents were ecstatic to see their child being appreciated.
The afternoon was rounded up with a spectacular performance by the school students of flute, Tabla, Violin, Harp and harmonium. The children displayed their talent and hard work with the theme of 'Love for Music' at their end of term presentation. The Parents were overjoyed to hear the performance of their children and were awed by the hard work put in by them. The Principal added that the presentation was also an opportunity to propagate the spirit of love and respect for other beings. It was an unforgettable and heartwarming experience for the students, parents and children all over.
The Principal said ''The theme for the exhibition was Rainbow colours. The hand crafted exhibits like birthday cakes, goodies, flowers, peacocks, umbrellas splashed the rainbow colours all around. It seemed as if the rainbow itself transcended in the school premises. It was a visual treat. Children were enthralled and took pride to see their creative work displayed. There was a selfie corner where parents and children captured their happy moments. The Principal and the parents acknowledged and appreciated comtrined efforts of children and the teachers for putting up such a grand show.''
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