LINK ->->->-> https://tiurll.com/2taz9b
All the settings in OP Auto Clicker are saved after you have changed them. You can even go back to your previous settings without changing the profile you have selected. The only thing you must keep in mind is that you must save the profile you made before you close OP Auto Clicker. If you do not, OP Auto Clicker will close the profile you selected, and all changes you have made will be lost.
* Voice Chat support
* Auto Clicker that plays the game for you as long as the task is active
* Awesome new profile UI with task selection and hotkey customization
* A new auto rotate task and a new auto sleep task
* Player stats.
* Very easy to use and intuitive UI that does not require advanced knowledge of OP Auto Clicker
OP Auto Clicker is a great clicker mod, that has the ability to click for you without your intervention. Just set a profile of your choice and let OP Auto Clicker do the rest of the work. When you go into this profile, choose tasks of your choice. However, you don't have to choose anything in particular. You can choose to just automatically click for as long as you want the task to play. You can also setup hotkeys for tasks. The only thing you need to do is to tap on the hotkey you want to use to play the game for that task.
I decided to take my idle time to play games on my phone and found auto clicker perfect for this. For those who are new, auto clicker is a way of doing incremental clicks on a task or a task with an exit task. For example, if you create a task for auto clicker called “OP Auto Clicker”, you can then create an “OP Auto Clicker ” task. Any time you need to click the task, you just need to click auto clicker. This is useful for the following scenarios:
You can use the auto clicker in a proxy situation where you want to have a website on a localhost or an IP that looks like, then you can use the auto clicker and have the website running on a web server on the same IP as the browser.
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