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Description - Sound Solution 1.31b (Winamp plugin, the one WITH all the presets!) is an ultimate in handling large mixes and also in crossfading. It has a limitless number of preset transitions between similar sounds. The transition is seamless.You can also intersperse silence in the transitions. The limit is practically infinite. Also it has the adjustable precision which is essentially how fast you want the crossfading to be.There is also 9999 types of crossfade, which in lay language means that you can have a crossfading of anything from absolutely no crossfading to a seamless transition from one track to the next. The crossfade in Sound solution comes with a post-fade compressor. Each preset has it's own eq curve which is helpful when you want to mix vocals with the less eqd drums.The other nice thing about Sound solution is that you can pre-crossfade with any of the presets. This eliminates the need to know where the end of a song is. This is particularly useful if you crossfade from your playstation to your computer. There is a new parameter solution param 1 which lets you change the way the track is mixed and the crossfading happens. Most programs and mixers have this parameter but not Sound Solution! works as the perfect mixer because the mixing happens in Sound Solution. Your advance settings from WINAMP are "always" applied to a "virtual" mixer and it can mix the entire mix from your winamp settings, your sample rate, your delay before playback, your crossfade bit rate, and more. d2c66b5586