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We want to make it as easy as possible for you to play games and watch movies, and then the next step would be to bring you and us closer together, so a lot of the next steps will be about making that happen.
In the end, the goal we're aiming for is to deliver everything in an experience that gives you more fun, and the more fun you have, the more money you make. So when you can play games, watch movies, and still have some money left over at the end of the day, you're a happy gamer. That's the one thing that we're aiming for.
I just did some research and actually you can get a laptop for £380, with a radeon 1535 graphics card with native firefx support, windows 10 and the fastest hard drive on the planet (Samsung the HS850 960GB ssd) i just think argos have taken the laptop over the high end gaming pc, which is the same as buying a laptop for £380 you would be pay for the high end graphics card and still only get the same laptop with the same specs as this series, hp... Then they would have to say 'well you can buy this high end laptop for £380'... i think this proves that this is a scam. Just because you can get something for £380 is no reason to get it hp (argos) here is a scam.
One feature that we have that we haven't had on any of our previous systems is the ability to play multiplayer-enabled games on your TV. While we have that functionality on the app side, what we're talking about in our hardware is the ability to play full games on the TV. That's the Xbox One TV Companion, and it will start shipping in November.
Peter Moore: In addition to the fact that we've also significantly lowered the barrier to entry by removing the credit card requirement - I would say that for those people that are intrigued, but just don't know what online gaming is all about, I would encourage them to try a demo. There are a lot of really great online games, and they're free to try. There are a lot of places where you can go and download demos or just look at the trailer, which is a really good way to get a feel for what online gaming is all about.
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