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This is a Noryb monitor. It is a special type of monitor, where the
controls are placed on the sides of the monitor, with the TV screen being made
of transparent glass. The monitor is somewhat large and, as it were, floats
above the TV screen. The monitor is interesting, because it has been developed
by a team of young designers from Pollen . Many of the
people who works at Pollen are designers, and they
have used this technique to design a monitor which is different and original,
but doesn't look strange.
The monitors are available in three sizes, small, medium and large. The
medium size is an interesting twist on the standard monitor, it's larger, and
it is quite heavy. The large size is also available in two sizes, one with
standard controls, the other with the user controls on the bottom. The large
size has a large TV screen, which is made of the transparent glass mentioned
above. The user controls are on the sides. A nice feature of these monitors
is that they have a very high resolution, up to 1600 by 1200 (16:10 aspect)
We have put this post on our blog for a while, but now we have decided to start a forum about this monitor, as it is quite an interesting piece of technology. 827ec27edc