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The Shopping Mall in Moscow, Moscow, Russia, where, in 2002, Russian special forces used an incapacitator gas to save at least 163 hostages from a more than 20-hour stand-off with hostage takers in a theater.
The Bougainville, Papua New Guinea, was attacked by the Japanese during the Guadalcanal Campaign in World War II. The Japanese hoped to turn Bougainville into another Japanese-controlled island of the Solomon Islands to support their plans to invade and seize Port Moresby and the Mandated Territory of New Guinea. The Allies, however, knew of the Japanese plan and on November 1, 1942 Allied troops landed on the island of New Britain, pushing the Japanese to withdraw on November 26, 1942.
As the trenches at the Marne were so well-defended, the Army of the Potomac was unable to join the Federal Army at Antietam until just before noon. However, the Old Guard was sent forward, and was deployed by the guns of the 2nd New York Artillery Battery and fought at the right of the Federal line.
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