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A grammar guru, style editor, and writing mentor in one package.Try it for free!Eeager beaverearly bird catches the wormEarly to bed, early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise,earmark somethingearn one's stripesearned his wingseasier said than doneeasy as 123easy as ABCeasy as pieeat dirteat, drink and be merryeat like a horseeat my dusteat my hateat one's wordseat your heart outeaten out of house and homeeating humble pieeconomical with the truthegg on your face(to) egg onElementary, my dear Watson.(the) elephant in the room(at the) eleventh hourElvis has left the building.emotional roller coasterempty flattery(the) ends justify the meansEt tu, BrutusEven a blind squirrel finds an acorn once in a while.even keelEven Stevensevery dark cloud has a silver liningevery dog has his dayevery man for himselfevery man has his priceEvery man has stupid thoughts, only wise men keep them quiet. (Swedish)every rose has its thornevery Tom, Dick, and Harryevery which way but looseeveryone has their cross to beareverything but the kitchen sinkeverything's coming up daisieseverything's coming up roseseverything's copaseticeverything's hunky doryexceedingly well readExcuse me while I kiss this guy.excuse my FrenchEye for an eye, tooth for a tooth.Eye of newt and toe of frog, wool of bat and tongue of dog.eye to eyeeyeball someone or somethingeyeball to eyeballF(a) face like a bulldog chewing on a wasp(a) face like a burst couch(a) face like a dropped meat pie(a) face only a mother could love(the) face that launched a thousand ships(a) face that would scare a dog out of a butcher shopface the musicface up to the factsfair and square,fair playfair weather friendfait accomplifaith can move mountainsfake it till you make itfall from gracefall guyfall head over heelsfall off the back of a lorryfall on your swordfall through the cracksfamous for fifteen minutesfan the flamesfancy freefancy meeting you herefancy-pantsfar and away the bestfar be it from mefar from the madding crowd,fashion victim(a) fast buckfaster than a speeding bulletfaster than greased lightningfat as a cowfat as a pigfat chancefeast your eyes on this(a) feather in his capfeed a cold, starve a feverfeeding frenzyfeel like a fifth wheelfell off my plate(the) fickle finger of fatefiddling while Rome burnsFie, fi, foh, fum, I smell the blood of an Englishman.fight fire with firefight like a manfight like cats and dogsfight the good fightfigure it outfilthy rich,finders keepers, losers weepersfine and dandyfine linefiner than frog hair,fire in the bellyfiring on all cylindersFirst things or cut baitfish out of waterfit as a fiddlefit to be hungfit to be tiedfits and startsfits like a gloveflag something downFlash as a rat with a gold tooth.flash in the panflat as a boardflat as a long-poured champagneflat as a pancakeflat outflattery will get you nowhereflavor of the monthfleet footed (fleet of foot)flesh and bloodflipped her lidflirt with disasterflog a dead horseflotsam and jetsamflown the coopfly by nightfly by the seat of your pantsfly in the face offly in the ointmentfly off the handlefly on the wallflying by the seat of your pantsfoam at the mouthfob offfollow suitFollow the leader.following in his footstepsFool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me.fools' goldFools rush in where angels fear to tread.foot in the doorfoot loose and fancy freefoot the billfor crying out loudfor ever and a dayfor everything there is a seasonfor God's sakefor Pete's sakefor the love of God/Pete/Mikefor want of the nail, the shoe was lostfor whom the bell tollsforbidden fruit,forever and a dayForgive them for they know not what they do.fork outfoul playfour corners of the earthfree as a birdfree reignfresh as a daisyfresh out of ideasfried to one's tonsilsFriends, Romans, Countrymen, lend me your ears.frisky as a puppyfrog in my throatfrom day onefrom here to Timbuktufrom sea to shining seafrom strength to strengthfrom the four corners of the earthfrom the frying pan into the firefruit of your loinsFuddy-Duddyfull Montyfull of himselffull of hot airfull of mischieffull of piss and vinegarfull tiltfull to the back teethfunny businessFunny Farmfunny you mention itfur coat and no knickersfuzzy wuzzyGGadzooks!gag me with a spoongame is on the linegang banggathering like fliesgave it a wide berthgee whizGeneration XGenius is one percent inspiration and 99 percent perspiration.get / start the ball rollingget a grip on yourselfget a handle on thisget a lifeget a roomget a word in edgewiseget ahead early and stay ahead lateget all worked upget along like oil and waterget an earfulget back up on the horseget cleaned outget crushedget down to bare bonesget down to brass tacksget down to the nitty grittyget it outta my hairget lostGet my messageget off on the wrong footget on her high horseget on her soap boxget one's goatget out of hereget outta town by sundownget over itget stuffedget the peanut butter out of your earsget the show on the roadGet thee behind me, Satan.get to the bottom of itget underwayGet used to it!Get with the program!get your arms around itget your ducks in a rowget your feet wetget your foot in the doorget your goatget your head in the gamegift of the gabgild the lilygimme a breakgird your loinsgive a hootgive a little take a littlegive a wide berthgive an inch, and he takes a milegive and takegive him a run for his moneygive it a restgive it a whirlgive it awaygive me a handgive someone a breakgive the shirt off your backgive them a handgive up the ghostgive your right armgiven to him on a silver plattergiving someone the birdglass ceilingglimmer of hopegloss overglowing like a good deed in a naughty worldglutton for punishmentgo against the graingo and boil your headgo back to the wellgo ballisticgo belly upgo berserkgo by the bookgo figurego fly a kitego for brokego head to headgo jump in the lakego like the clappersgo off at half-cockgo out in a blaze of glorygo out on a limbgo over his headgo overboardgo the extra milego through the motionsgo through the roofgo to potgo to the dogsgo together hand in handgo too fargo where the green lights lead yougo with the flowgo with your gutGod help us.God only knows.God speedGod willing (and the creek don't rise)going against the tidegoing bananasgoing gang-bustersgoing nineteen to the dozengoing to hell in a hand basketgold diggergolden childGentlemen Only, Ladies Forbiddengone but not forgottengone to the dogsgood as goldgood as new(a) good beginning makes a good endinggood callGood fences make good neighbors.(a) good man is hard to findgood men and trueGood one!Good riddance!good rule of thumbgood Samaritangood soldiergood things come to those who waitgood to gogood to the last dropGoody Two-Shoesgoofing offGordon Bennettgot a hole in his pocketgot a leg up on itgot a loaf in the ovengot beat like a drumgot burnedgot him by the short hairsgot knocked upgot lost in the shufflegot my mojo workinggot off on the right footgot off on the wrong footgot schooledgot spankedgot taken for a ridegot the stuffing beat out of himgot them by the short and curliesgot under my skingot whoopedgot you over a barrelgot your hand caught in the cookie jargot your head in the cloudsgot your nose all pushed out of jointgrace of GodGrand Slam,grasping at straws(the) grass is always greener on the other sidegrass upgraveyard shiftgrease a palmgreased lightninggreen-eyed monstergreen with envygreener pasturesgrin and bear itgrin like a Cheshire catgrinning from ear to eargrist for the millground rulesGroundhog daygrowing like a weedgum up the worksgunning forguns blazingHhad his bell runghair of the dogHalcyon dayshalf a bubble offhalf a loaf is better than nonehalf cockedhalf-baked ideaHalt! Who goes therehand over fisthandbags at dawnhandle it with kid gloveshands onhang by a threadhang in therehang me out to dryhang on every wordhanging onto mother's apron stringshanky pankyhappy as a clamhappy as a larkhappy as a pig in mud / sh#thappy camperhard as a rockhard cheese,hard to swallowharder for a rich man to go to heaven than for a camel to go through the eye of a needlehare-brained ideaharp onhaste makes wastehat in handhaul someone over the coalshave a hearthave a nice dayhave an ax to grindhave 'em in stitcheshave the last laughhaven't got a penny to my namehaven't got a row to hoehaven't got a row to hoehaven't seen hide nor hair of himhe breasted his cardshe can't see the forest for the treeshe couldn't hit the broad side of a barnHe doesn't know what time it is,he gave a hundred and ten percenthe got plasteredhe got the short end of the stickhe has a few loose screwshe has a way with wordshe has egg on his facehe is toasthe knows which side his bread is buttered onhe learned his lessonhe left no stone unturnedhe let the cat out of the baghe looks like death warmed uphe made a mad dash for itHe never met a doughnut he didn't like.he put one over on mehe single-handedly destroyed an empirehe speaks with a forked tonguehe spilled the beansHe was Aladdin in an orchard dripping with diamonds!he was just a port in the stormhe was talking into his hat lyinghe was the life of the partyhe went the whole nine / 9 yardshe went to the school of hard knocks (university of life)He who can, does; he who cannot, teaches.He who cannot dance, blames the DJ,he who hesitates is lostHe who laughs last, laughs best.He who lives by the sword, shall die by the sword,he will give the Devil his duehe won, hands downhe/she is as dense as a London fogHe/She silenced the critics.he/she was like a brother/son/father/sister/mother/daughter to mehead over heelsheading for the poor househeads upheard it through the grapevineheart of goldheaven help usheavens to Betsyhedge your bets,Heebie-Jeebies,hell-bent for leatherHell has no fury like a woman scorned.hell or high waterHelter-Skelterhem and hawhen peckedher biological clock is tickingHere lies one whose name was writ in today, gone tomorrowhere's mud in your eyeHere's your hat, what's your hurryhe's a bald-faced liarhe's a bubble shy of plumbhe's a corn-fed hickhe's a dark horsehe's a fall guyhe's a smooth operatorhe's all flibberty jibbetshe's all hat and no cattle (added by popular demand!)he's always blowing his own hornhe's an easy studyhe's an inch deep and a mile widehe's bitten off more than he can chewhe's built like a brick shit-househe's changing his tunehe's chomping at the bithe's dressed to the nineshe's feeling his oatshe's fishing for complimentshe's gone to groundhe's got a bug up his assHe's got more money than he knows what to do with.He's got the skills to pay the bills,he's gunning for a fight he's hen peckedhe's milk toasthe's not playing with a full deckhe's not the sharpest knife in the cabinethe's over the hillhe's pulling your leghe's pushing up daisieshe's really laying it on thickhe's really on the ballhe's scared of his own shadowhe's so matter-of-factHe's so ugly, he'd have to sneak up on a glass of water to get a drink.he's the south end of a north-bound horsehe's thinking with the wrong headhe's waiting for his ship to come inhet uphide the salamihiggledy piggledyhigh and dryhigh as a kitehigh hopeshigh timehigh, wide and handsomehigh-flyerhighway robberyHindsight is twenty/twenty (20/20),His bark is worse than his bite,His elevator doesn't go to the top floor.his eyes are bigger than his stomachHis left hand doesn't know what his right hand is doing.His mouth is writing checks his body can't cash.hissy fithistory repeats itselfhit below the belthit every ugly branch falling out of the treeHit him right between the numbers.hit the booksHit the deck!hit the ground runninghit the hayhit the nail on the headhit the sackhoist by your own petardhoity-toityhold down the forthold the phonehold your horsesholding all the cardsholier than thouhome is where the heart isHome is where you hang your hat,Hook, line and sinker.hop, skip and a jumphope against hopeHope springs around, horse of a different colorhorse playhorsing aroundhot as hellHot enough for youHot enough to fry an off the presshot on the heelshot under the collarHotter than a fox in a firestorm.Houston, we have a problem.How are the mighty fallen.How do I love theeHow now, brown cowHow sharper than a serpent's tooth it is to have a thankless child.How's it hangingHow's that for a topperhugged him closer than peel does a bananahump dayhunker downhunky doryhurl insultshurts like the DickensII beg to differ.I bought it for a song.I busted my hump.I can't stand it.I can't stomach that.I can't tell you what a pleasure its been / It's been a pleasure.I could eat a horse.I could whip you with one arm tied behind my back.I didn't come down the Clyde in a banana boat. (Scottish, Glasgow)I didn't expect the Spanish Inquisition.I don't give a fig.I don't give a jot.I hate to say this, but...,I have a bone to pick with you.I have an ax to grind.I have not slept one wink.I have nothing to declare but my genius.I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears and sweat.I haven't a clue.I haven't the foggiest.I heard (hear) that!I need that like a hole in the head.I need that like a moose needs a hat rack.I never met a man (horse, etc.) I didn't like.I ought to tan your hide.I put two and two together...I quit smoking cold turkey.I second that.I smell a rat.I spy with my little eye.I trust him as far as I can throw him.I want my place in the sun.I was roped into it.I wasn't born yesterday.I will give you that to boot.I will go to the foot of our stairs.I will wear my heart upon my sleeve.I wouldn't p#ss on your teeth if they were on fire.I wouldn't trust him as far as I could water in his/her veinsicing on the cakeI'd bet my bottom dollarI'd lose my head if it wasn't attachedI'd rather be a hammer than a nailI'd rather have a bottle in front of me, than a frontal lobotomy.idle chit-chatIdle hands are the devil's workshop.If a frog had wings, he wouldn't bump his ass hopping.If a tree falls in the forest, does it make a soundif at first you don't succeed, try, try, againIf God had meant for man to fly, he would've given us wings.If his word were a bridge - you'd be afraid to cross!If I had a nickel for every time he _, I'd be a millionaire.If I had my druthersif I were in his shoesif it ain't broke, don't fix itif it weren't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at allif it's not one thing it's anotherIf I've said it once, I've said it a thousand times.if looks could killIf music be the food of love, play on.If the mountain won't come to Mohammed, Mohammud must go to the mountain.If the shoe fits, wear it.If wishes were horses, beggars would ride.if you can't beat 'em, join 'emif you can't find it, grind itif you can't kill the king then don't wound himIf you can't see the bottom, don't put your foot in the water. (Swedish)If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen.If you can't take Mohammed to the mountain, take the mountain to Mohammed.If you chase two rabbits, both will escape,If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all.If you get the sense, then chuck the tense.if you love something set it freeif you play your cards right...If you think that, you have another think coming.if you were any closer, it would bite youIf your foresight was as good as your hindsight, we would be better by a far sight.If you're going to talk the talk, you better walk the walk.if you've seen one you've seen 'em allignorance is blissignorance of the law is no excuseI'll be a monkey's uncleI'll be damnedI'll be the judge of that, thank you.I'll be there with bells onI'll bet a dollar to a donutI'll eat my hatI'll fix youI'll fix your little red wagonI'll leave you with something to chew onI'll procrastinate laterI'll punch his lights outI'll see you in hellI'm going bananasI'm gonna clean your clockI'm gonna lay down the lawI'm gonna wash that man right outta my hairI'm in hog heavenI'm not a rocket scientist (it ain't rocket science)I'm not getting any youngerI'm on a roll,imitation is the sincerest form of flatteryin a New York minutein a nutshellin a pickle,in a pig's eyein a quandaryin a tricein a winkin an interesting conditionin bed with one's boots onin cahoots within every life a little rain must fallin fine fettlein for a fleecingIn for a penny, in for a for the long haulin full cryin harm's wayin my mind's eyein one ear and out the otherIn one fell swoopin over your headin seventh heavenIn still weather everyone is a good sailor. (Swedish)in stitchesin the bagin the blackin the box-seatin the buffin the cardsin the clearin the darkin the doghousein the doldrumsin the hot seatin the joint,in the limelight in the moneyin the nick of timein the offingin the pinkin the red in the roughin the twinkling of an eyein two (2) shakes of a lamb's tailIn your dreamsin your faceIndian summerinnocent as the day he was bornirons in the fireIs a pig porkIs it soup yetIs nothing sacredIs the Pope CatholicIs this a dagger which I see before meIsn't all it's cracked up to be.It ain't over till the fat lady sings.It ain't rocket science.It all boils down to this.It came like a bolt from the blue.It is a long road without a turn.It is all grist to the mill.It is better to give than to receive.It is better to light a candle than curse the isn't all sweetness and lightit just goes to show...It never rains but it pours.It sounds like a thrashing stands to reasonIt takes two to tango.It takes two fools to took my breath awayit was a piece of cakeit was a white-knuckle rideit was an ill-fated ideait will be a cold day in hellit will doit won't flyIt's no use crying over spilled's a dog-eat-dog worldits a dog's lifeit's a doozyit's a freckle past a hairIt's a game of inchesIt's a's a long shotit's a one-horse townits a sure thingIt's a washit's all cut and driedIt's all fun and games until someone loses an's all Greek to meit's all in your headIt's all over but the cryingits all topsy turvyit's an ill wind that blows no goodIt's autumn in her mouth and all her tongue can do is rustle!it's better than a poke in the eye with a sharp stickit's cutting edgeit's darkest just before the dawnit's got a great beat, but you can't dance to itIt's in the bag.It's just one of those days, I's like my daddy used to's neck and neckit's never too late to learnIt's not a sprint, it's a's not all it's cracked up to beIt's not over till it's's not the heat it's the humidityIt's not the size of the dog in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the dog.It's not whether you win or lose, it's how you play the's not written in stoneit's nothing earth-shatteringit's on the tip on my tongueit's only a matter of timeIt's raining like a cow pissing on a flat rock.It's what's on the inside that counts.I've been had.I've got a monkey on my back.I've got it covered.I've got other fish to fry,I've had it up to here,ivory towerJJack of all trades and a master of none.jockeying for positionjoin the ranksjoined at the hip(a) journey of a thousand miles begins with the first stepjump down your throatjump in with both feetjump on the bandwagonjump the gun(the) jury is still outJust a cotton pickin' minute here.just a drop in the bucketjust a minutejust a secondjust admiring the viewjust around the bendjust as sweet as you pleasejust fell off the turnip truckjust like riding a bikejust the tip of the icebergjust thought I'd throw that injust washed my hair and can't do a thing with itjust what the doctor orderedjustice is blindKkangaroo courtkangaroo loose in the top paddockKeep a bad dog with you, and the good dogs won't bite.keep a stiff upper lipkeep a wide berthkeep an (my) eye on youkeep body and soul togetherkeep danger at baykeep 'em flying (keep your spirits up)keep it downkeep it simple, stupid (KISS)keep it under your hatkeep it upkeep on your toeskeep schtumkeep something at baykeep the ball rollingkeep the home fires burningkeep up with the Joneseskeep your fingers crossedkeep your chin upkeep your eye on the ballkeep your eyes openkeep your eyes peeledkeep your hair onkeep your nose to the grindstonekeep your pants onkeep your pecker upkeep your powder drykeep your shirt onkeep your shoulder to the wheelkeep your thoughts to yourselfkeeping (staying) on top of itkeeping the world safe for democracykeeps her cards close to her chestkeeps on tickingkeepy-uppykettle of fishkick backkick 'em when they're downkick him/her to the curbkick some butt (ass)kick the bucketkick your heelskicked (took it) in the huevoskid in a candy storekill 'em with kindnessking of the hill(a) king's ransomkiss and tellkiss asskiss of deathkissing the rosekitten on the keysknee-high to a grasshopperknee-jerk reactionknock 'em deadknock it offknock it out of the parkknock off (work)(a) knock-offknock on woodknock the cover off the ballknock your socks offknock yourself outknocked into a cocked hatknocked upknow it like the back of my handknow the ropesknow the scoreknow what's upknow where you standknow which side your bread is buttered onknow which way the wind blowsknow your onionsknows it chapter and verseknuckle down(a) knuckle sandwichWondering what else ProWritingAid can do Check out the ProWritingAid editing software: 153554b96e