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The firewall was reportedly so effective even campaign principals John Podesta and Robby Mook did not know Steele was on the Democratic payroll until Mother Jones reported on the issue on October 31, 2016, in an article that did not name Steele.[30] When the Mother Jones story broke, John Podesta, chairman of the Clinton campaign, said he was \"stunned by the news that the FBI had launched a full-blown investigation into Trump, especially one that was informed by research underwritten by the Clinton campaign.\" Although they knew Perkins Coie had spent money for opposition research, neither Podesta nor campaign manager Robby Mook knew Steele was on the Democratic payroll. Mayer said they both maintain they \"didn't read the dossier until BuzzFeed posted it online\".[30] She has also said that \"the Clinton campaign never learned that Christopher Steele was on their payroll until it [the dossier] was in the press.\"[98] \"Far from a secret campaign weapon, Steele turned out to be a secret kept from the campaign.\"[30] In their 2019 book, the founders of Fusion GPS wrote \"... that no one from Fusion ever met or talked with Clinton and that she herself 'had no idea who they were'.\"[59][51]
Ynet, an Israeli online news site, reported on January 12, 2017, that U.S. intelligence advised Israeli intelligence officers to be cautious about sharing information with the incoming Trump administration, until the possibility of Russian influence over Trump, suggested by Steele's report, has been fully investigated.[296]
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