Fallout 4 Overboss Mod
Fallout 4 Overboss Mod >>> https://ssurll.com/2t9wf3
Gage is seen riding in a car near an area that is covered with water shortly after the overboss' attack, and is seen again when the overboss' power armor is powered down. While this does not necessarily prove that Gage is a Cola-car driver, it is known that Cola-cars can be linked to the Cola-heads by a satellite connection that is commonly used. In one of the Cola-heads, we find a device used to wirelessly control the vehicles, which could be used to control Gage's vehicle. The use of the charger in Gage's armor as a beacon could be used to track it down.
After the mission is completed, Gage is seen walking down the street, expressing thoughts about the Cola-heads and how humans need to adapt. After that, he is seen watching the Cola-heads in a peaceful street, seemingly at peace with them. It is unknown if he will return to the Overboss' turf ever again.
Gage, however, is next seen on a Cola-car which appears to be running on a track, watching the Cola-heads roll past. It could be that Gage is looking for a way to control the vehicles, or that he is just as curious about the Cola-heads as everyone else. In the next mission, Gage can be seen riding in a car on a track near the Cola-heads. He can even be seen driving one of the Cola-cars on the Overboss' turf. At the end of the mission, Colter was seen inspecting the cola-car that Gage was driving, confirming Gage's identity as an engineer.
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