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Our data show that a course of reactions is associated with NPY-ir expression in Spotted Munia. NPY-ir neuron fibers are also involved in the regulation of reproductive and/or circadian function. The breeding season is the time when youngsters reach sexual maturity [47]. NPY modulates reproductive processes. The mean number of NPY-ir cells in HA, HP and RoT, and the mean NPY-ir cell fiber area in Glv, are significantly higher during the breeding phase. These registered changes during the breeding season can be held as the reason for higher concentration of NPY-ir cells in HA, HP, and RoT, and greater NPY-ir cell area in Glv. These nuclei are connected to the optic tectum, TeO, in the occipital lobe which has a key role in the process of increasing reproductive capacity. The NPY-ir cells, dendrites and fibers are more abundant during the breeding phase, which is also the time when NPY levels increased in birds [48], indicating that NPY concentration plays a role in sexual maturation and reproduction of Spotted Mouse. Furthermore, NPY-ir in these regions is important for a higher egg production and an improving eggshell quality compared to temperate zones [1].
It seems that NPY-ir plays a major role in reproduction, whether it affects courtship behavior, or whether it serves to increase egg production and improve eggshell quality, as is the case in the penguins, seabirds, and some water fowl. Midbrain Immediate Early/Early gene, NPY is an eye marker suggesting a possible role for NPY in the visual system. NPY within the optic tectum (TeO) is thought to be an important mediator of visual information, forming as a projection from the n. rotundus. NPY-ir neurons send processes to the teO, which may connect to the visual system and contribute to visual processing [46]. NPY-ir soma in HA are either apical or basal, round shaped, and having long, thin process. d2c66b5586