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Cue enables you to play directly from a CD or from a variety of digital audio files including MP3, MP3Pro, MP4, M4A, WAV, AIFF, DVD, WMV, CDA, WMA, ASF, OGG, and iTunes ACC (non-DRM). On the video side of things, Cue handles DVD, VOB, DIVX, MPG (1, 2, 4), AVI, WMV, and Karaoke (CD+G) files with ease. Cue also supports VST plug-ins and is compatible with virtually any MIDI controller including NS7, V7, Total Control, Stealth Control, Omni Control, Mixtrack, iDJ3, iCDX, M1USB, C3USB, X1USB, DJ|iO, Virtual Vinyl, as well as, Akai Professional MPD, LPK and LPD controllers. Cue also supports DirectX and multi-channel ASIO. 2b1af7f3a8
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