Animal Farm Video Bodil Joensen 1981 [REPACK]
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On seeing Rob reading the George Orwell novel Animal Farm (1954), Les reacts with disgust and mentions having seen the video in the 1980s, while Eddie subsequently suggests that he had also seen but enjoyed the video. Both characters are misunderstanding the Orwell novel as being a version of Animal Farm (1981), an infamous underground pornographic film starring Bodil Joensen that was smuggled into the United Kingdom in the spring of 1981 and was widely distributed on videocassette tapes, often copied at home. The acts of bestiality shown in the film, which was actually a nameless compilation of clips from numerous films that had been legally produced in Denmark during the 1960s and early '70s, remained highly illegal in the UK but the compilation was nevertheless broadly distributed and gained widespread notoriety there throughout the '80s. The tape, its creation and subsequent cultural impact were detailed in a 2006 episode of Channel 4's documentary series The Dark Side of Porn (2005), The Dark Side of Porn: The Real Animal Farm (2006). After Danish pornography laws were updated around the same time the tape first arrived in the UK, Joensen was briefly imprisoned and her animals confiscated and euthanized.
Initially, after leaving home at 15, Joensen found work on a farm in a conservative area of Denmark. Her landlord, the farmer Gunnar Nielsen, commented: \"She was passionate about animals.\" He added that she was entranced by the sight of animals breeding, an activity she stated she found \"wonderful\" to help with. She later left to set up her own breeding farm, \"Insemination Central,\" while Joensen became known for her ability to handle aggressive animals such as boars, and was then ruined by country gossip, spread principally by farmers' wives who were unhappy at the prospect of their husbands working with a young single girl on farm business. Friends, such as Johan Kirk, commented that she \"was never given much of a chance\" by such people. She commented later, \"Nine out of ten men wanted to fuck me, and their wives hated me.\"[1]
By the early 1970s, Joensen had managed to achieve her goal of living on her own farm with her daughter (born c. 1972),[4] as well with her companion/partner. Reference material suggests relationship roles, varying from companionship to partner. Some refer to Knud P. Andersen as a companion, some as a partner; one suggests platonic friendship. The source material is ambiguous. In The Dark Side of Porn: The Real Animal Farm, Joensen is quoted as saying \"...I'm bored when I'm alone, and so is he, so we're good company for each other.\"[5] Joensen helped finance the farm by allowing sex tourists to visit it and make private films with her animals.
I came here searching Danish Lady Bodil Joenson interview , she is known as famous Animal Sex Porno star , She died in 1985 when i was in my final medical school in Pakistan , i remember watching her sex video long ago with a Pig , i am not at all into animal sex , bud God Damn i still remember that horny film , Anima sex is not Animal Abuse far to less than Killing the Animals for Food , Human are the worst animal on Planet
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